Solutions August 2018 | Page 12

weeks . I didn ’ t pray about what I should do . I didn ’ t ask respected leaders in the church their counsel . I was sick , and I needed a doctor . The same is true for people who are continuing to experience fertility problems . I know that God made Sarah and Abraham parents at 90 years old , but I don ’ t really see that happening anymore . Christians have deemed the medical condition of infertility a spiritual issue , and it is keeping many couples from receiving the medical help they need . However , seeing a fertility doctor is often the most prolife choice a couple can make . There would have been nothing spiritual about our continually losing babies when medical solutions were available . Wanting to bring life into the world is fulfilling the biblical command to “ be fruitful and multiply .”
2 . Is seeing a fertility doctor playing God ?
God opens and closes the womb . Simple as that . Does God need help ? No . Does God use modern medicine to help correct issues in our imperfect bodies ? Yes . No baby is born outside of God ’ s will . God doesn ’ t have to readjust his plans for the world when a baby is born via fertility treatment . God is more powerful than fertility medication , and I can tell you from experience that receiving fertility treatment does not ensure a baby is born . For as many couples who receive children from
12 • Solutions