Solutions August 2017 | Page 38

necessarily feel less fear. The differ- ence is that they don’t act on their fears. you ask a question from a place of curiosity, it is easier to create a safe space for the other person or people involved to answer. When Should I Use Powerful Questions? Hone in on what is most important. Sometimes, in the course of There are always peripheral conversation, you just feel curious issues. Focus on what matters about something. It may not even most. Otherwise, you’ll find the seem logical. You have a hunch, conversation veering down paths a spiritual inkling about something. that do not address the core issue. And if you ignore it, there’s a good Succinct. A powerful question is not chance you’ll regret it. Think back a long question. The average seventh to a dilemma in which you had a grader ought to understand your “feeling” something was up, but you question. Short and sweet is powerful. ignored what you knew in your spirit Here’s why: When questions get was off and later regretted it. long, the people being asked have At other times, you may be curious, to remember the statements that but it isn’t necessarily spiritual. You preceded it. As they attempt to hold may be curious about the way a on to the lead-up to your question, person went about a task or about they often become confused. why they are so passionate about Direct. A powerful question leaves their work. And by asking a few no room for misunderstanding. It questions, you stumble upon a tidbit is direct. It does not tiptoe around that unlocks the door to a whole new issues. This does not mean it is rude or world. Asking powerful questions is not abrupt. It simply means your question an excuse to be nosy but an invitation is bathed in truth and authenticity. to be genuinely interested in others Use this as an opportunity to practice and genuinely confident in yourself. courage. Be direct but kind. Thee most powerful questions have Reveal the person to themselves. eight traits in common: A powerful question is powerful because it uncovers information, Curious. The most powerful insights, and points of discovery that questions come from a place of were previously buried. Sometimes curiosity inspired by a desire to the thing everyone else can see, they understand or resolve an issue. can’t see—until a powerful question Curiosity focuses on learning and opens their eyes. solving more than being right or Shift your perspective. Sometimes proving a point. As a result, when it isn’t so much that the question 38 Solutions