Research shows most individuals marry
someone who approaches money totally
differently than they do. Savers tend to
marry Spenders without giving it much
thought when they’re dating. Then you
start to share a budget and … you notice
the difference.
BUT there is common ground to be found.
Find something you can agree on, like let’s:
• reduce our debt by 20% this year
• stop talking about money at the dinner
• plan a small vacation
• agree to honor God with our words when
talking about money
• put all receipts in a folder on the office desk
• give each other the grace to handle the
finances differently within set boundaries
• encourage one another to be honest about
money and our feelings
• get help from a counselor or coach for the
issues we can’t seem to agree on at all
Find a way to use money to draw you into
better communication and a shared future
together. Don’t let money pull you apart.
Jesus knew we’d struggle with dollars
and cents that is why there are over 2,000
verses in the bible on money and our
attitude toward it.
Scott &
Scott & Bethany Palmer, The
Money Couple, are financial
planners, authors, and speakers
who help couples tackle money
issues in their relationship.
Grab a copy of The 5 Money
Personalities: Speaking the Same
Love and Money Language, and
take the FREE, online Money
Personality Assessment.
You can do this together. It’s worth it. Don’t
let money ruin your priceless relationship.
Make it happen!
Solutions • 9