Solutions April 2018 | Page 18

asked. Ezekiel responded with, “Oh Sovereign Lord, you alone know the answer to that.” Ezekiel could have easily answered, “No they can’t live, they are dried out bones!” Because of Ezekiel’s response of faith, God said something profound for all of us to hear. He tells Ezekiel, “Speak to these dry bones…” God is reminding Ezekiel that there is power in the words you declare. God paints this beautiful picture of this once desolate valley now filled with an army marching out of the valley of death. We believe it’s also a great picture of marriages restored. We will never forget that morning time with God as he showed us these scriptures. It was like we were reading them again for the first time. It was as if God was telling us that this was a picture of what will happen to marriages that are dry and dead. As couples begin to declare life over each other, God will blow life into the dry bones of those marriages and they will be restored. No matter what you have gone through in your past or the state of your marriage now, as you are reading this, we want to remind you that there is nothing impossible for God. Begin today by finding ways to declare life over your spouse and life over your marriage. Regardless of how you may feel, choose to declare life and watch God breath a miracle into marriage! RATE THIS ARTICLE 18 • Solutions Clayton & Ashlee Hurst Clayton and Ashlee Hurst are the marriage and parenting pastors at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Married for more than 20 years, Clayton and Ashlee share a passion to see God breathe life into every couple they encounter, strengthening and enriching their family. Their book, Hope for Your Marriage: Experience God’s Greatest Desires for You and Your Spouse (Emanate Books/Thomas Nelson) is available now. They are the parents of three children and live in the Houston area.