Solutions April 2018 | Page 17

God used that simple question to rock us to our core. We had a question to answer and a decision to make. Were we going to look at our marriage and declare what we were experiencing or were we going to focus on the God of the impossible? With a mustard seed of faith, we both decided to gaze at the God of the universe and declare hope for our marriage! “ We had a question to answer and a dec- ision to make. Were we going to look at our marriage and declare what we were experiencing or were w e g o i n g to fo c u s o n t h e G o d of t h e impossible?” It didn’t happen overnight but we both began to make small positive changes that impacted our marriage. It began with our words. We stopped criticizing and arguing with each other. We started encouraging one another more. We began covering each other in prayer instead of condemning each other. Instead of responding in a negative or sarcastic way when we felt hurt, we chose to respond in a loving way. These were simple ways we began declaring life over our marriage. There were many times that the Lord would remind us of his Word. It reminded us how powerful words are in our marriage. In Prov 18:21 NKJV, “Death and life are in the the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” It’s interesting that this scripture described our early years and now also our later years of marriage. In the beginning, we were declaring death over our relationship and we grew accustomed to eating the rotten fruit. When we changed and declared life over each other and our marriage, we started enjoying the sweet fruit that came from it. In the fall of 2014, we were asked to help establish the Marriage & Parenting ministr y at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. It was such an honor to be asked and we both knew it had the potential to become some of our greatest years of ministry together. We had come so far from those early destructive days of marriage and we had such a desire to help other couples. As we began to step out in this new role, we prayed that God would lead us and direct us in this new area. A few weeks into this new position, we were drawn to the book of Ezekiel during a morning prayer time. Re-reading the vision God gave Ezekiel about the valley of dry bones reminded us of so many marriages. It’s an accurate description of what happens when you aren’t declaring life over your marriage. It’s also an incredible promise of what can happen when you focus on the God of the impossible. “Can these bones live again?”God Solutions • 17