see. The pastor, Steve Berger, is a solid there was mind-boggling.
man of God with a true heart for his
congregation. When I actually get to
Kelinda: Where are you going next?
hear him speak, he encourages me to
push harder into my calling.
Doug: We just played the Southern
Baptist Metro One Conference and
Kelinda: How many performances
the Southwest Gospel Music Festival,
have you given since you became
and our tour with Mark Lowry ends
Cana’s Voice? Which events have
this month. Other tour dates include
stood out the most and why?
Praisefest Branson, Mo., the Brook-
lyn Tabernacle Choir in May and an
Jody: Two years’ worth of perfor-
Alaskan Cruise with In Touch Ministries.
mances, but not sure exactly how
Fans can check out Cana’s Voice
many. I know everyone will give a
complete tour schedule at www.can-
different answer, but for me our live We’d love to see you at
recording at Champion Forest Baptist one of our shows!
Church was an epic evening for me.
The audience was with us from start
Kelinda: When can we expect a new
to finish. The choir was amazing. More album from Cana’s Voice? Can you
than anything, the Holy Spirit showed
tell us a little about the flavor of the
up and it became a perfect night.
songs in discussion for it?
Doug: We have only been touring for
about a year officially. We have been
blessed to be in the biggest churches
across the country. They are all great
memories, because honestly, we’re
just having fun doing what we love to
do. We did do a trip overseas to Nor-
way and Sweden and the response
Doug: We are currently picking out
songs for the new project. I think the
fans can expect more of the same
worship style tunes with our flare. This
is the fun part. We get to express our-
selves. Honestly, I think if we record
songs that speak to us, then they will
speak to others as well.
Solutions 43