Soltalk October 2022 | Page 46

Your stars for October

October could find you wildly busy , but that ’ s nothing compared to how fantastic your dreams for the future are becoming . Dream big and then work hard on the details . Be the best you can be , but also be careful . It ’ s all too easy to overlook or ignore your limits and then get careless or injured . Be safe and have fun .
You ’ ll feel like the centre of attention this month . Feel important and popular no matter who is there or what you ’ re doing . Make something beautiful , romantic , delicious and maybe elegant too . Chances are , this will happen at home rather than out in public . Buy a new saucepan , get cut flowers , and dress up just for you .
Keep your focus sharp at work this month . Daydream and brainstorm on your own time , and let your good performance make your career plans come true . Keep your attention on what is most important and on what will make you the happiest .
The imaginary world may be bigger and more fascinating than physical reality this month . Happily , real-world demands in your home life will ground you . Talk to everyone and see what they have to offer . Be bolder and discover some new interests and places .
Someone may have the wrong impression of you , for good or bad . Act with integrity and don ’ t feel constrained by what other people think . Your actions speak for themselves . Money affairs look great . People may doubt your judgment or think that you ’ re being gullible , but that won ’ t be the case if you take your time .
Life should simplify and pressures should start to disappear . You are reminded of the powerful love in your life , but you may be blinded by other emotional concerns . Don ’ t be so hypercritical that you discourage real romance . Take your time and avoid doing things more than once . Perk up and have more fun .
Are you really taking good care of yourself ? It ’ s possible that you ’ re oversensitive to a health issue . Others may think that you ’ ve gone into hiding when you decline invitations that you would usually accept . That ’ s fine . You ’ re working hard on personal , internal improvement .
The ghosts of lovers past may tempt you this month . Let your social contacts keep you grounded . You may be overlooking a new admirer who wants to become more . You won ’ t be knocked off balance , but others might . Stick to standard entertainments and don ’ t get too creative .
This month may feel like serious rest and recovery time when all you want to do is curl up and sleep . However , your work or social life may have other demands . Find the middle ground . It ’ s no time to hang back and let someone else get all the attention . You aren ’ t shy to begin with , but now people are drawn to you .
Enjoy some quality time with your friends and family during the month . Your friends may have a lot of exotic , crazy suggestions . You , however , may think that the here and now is crazy and entertaining enough . You could get claustrophobic and find your normal home life too old and small .
A touch of financial paranoia may threaten your peace of mind , but you know better than to react . Really , everything is fine . You have a great support system . Don ’ t rely on your own judgment right now . Ask opinions and listen . You can learn a lot now .
Trust your feelings and intuition . Your heart is in for a wild ride during the month . Love may take a firm grip on your heart , but it won ’ t be easy and possibly not all fun . If feelings get hurt , it will most probably be over imagined problems . Relax if you can .