Soltalk February 2023 | Page 46

_ Soltalk February 2023 _ Soltalk 24 / 01 / 2023 16:52 Page 44

Your stars for February

Your forceful manner makes waves in the workplace . Keep your opinions to yourself this month and you will be a lot happier from 9am to 5pm . Your personal life blossoms when an old friend comes back into your life later in the month . Leo and Sagittarius play important roles .
Your strong , steady nature will keep you calm during a tumultuous month at work . You won ’ t fall prey to co-workers ’ worries . However , it ’ s a different story when it comes to romance . An evening with that special someone will allow you to open up and let your emotions show .
You ’ ll feel like you ’ re on an emotional roller coaster this month . Relatives will be spending a lot of time with you and sharing their true feelings . Don ’ t hold your emotions in , venting them will help bring you back to an even keel . Look to friends for relaxation .
Bask in the glory at work this month as you success-fully complete a difficult project . Your superiors will be impressed . Your social life improves and your phone won ’ t stop ringing . Friends you haven ’ t heard from in quite a long time will be in touch . Taurus and Gemini are involved .
Your outgoing personality is a hit with superiors at work . They need someone to go after the heavy hitters and it very well could be you . Your loyalty to a good friend could put you in a difficult situation this month . Don ’ t lose someone close to you just because you ’ re feeling impetuous .
Even though it may be hard for you , you ’ re going to have to sit still when it comes to a family event this month . Let relatives make the plans and only give your input if asked . It will all work out for the best . A friend will ask you for advice . Try not to be judgmental .
Don ’ t let work get you down this month . It ’ s only a job ; many more important things go on after 5pm . Romance blossoms later this month . You ’ ll be swept off your feet when you least expect it by someone whom you never thought could interest you .
You know who you are and what you can do , so don ’ t be a show off at work early in the month . It can make you look foolish in front of your boss . Family matters are of prime importance this month . Show loved ones how much you care — even if they do drive you crazy at times .
Don ’ t let a mistake at work get you down later in the month . Just explain yourself and correct the error . You don ’ t lie well , so don ’ t try it . Your family ties grow stronger this month . As for romance , you ’ re riding a wave of excitement . Enjoy it and start thinking about the future .
Keep your shoulder to the wheel at work this month . Don ’ t let petty arguments among co-workers distract you . A close friend will need your help . Give them support . However , stand your ground when he or she makes a ludicrous request . You ’ ll be thanked for it later .
Don ’ t be a follower at work this month . Now ’ s your chance to take the lead and show everyone what you ’ re capable of . A loved one will seem aloof this month , but don ’ t overreact . It is probable that he or she just needs to be alone for a little while . Respect his or her wishes .
Life is your stage this month — make your mark wherever you go . However , don ’ t let your satirical nature go overboard . Remember to respect other people ’ s feelings . Show compassion to a friend or family member in need later in the month . He or she is counting on you for advice .