Soltalk February 2023 | Page 23

_ Soltalk February 2023 _ Soltalk 24 / 01 / 2023 16:52 Page 21
What ’ s On

Nerja Arts Society

This month ’ s lecture will be held on Tuesday 14th February at 6pm . Venue : the Centro Cultural Villa de Nerja , C . Granada , 45 , Nerja . Title : Helsinki : Music , Myth and Art Nouveau Sponsor : Solpanel Experten Lecturer : Brian Healey
Visitors to Helsinki are often surprised by its architecture , populated by unusual creatures and mythical characters from
Finland ' s national epic , the Kalevala . This also inspired Jean Sibelius to compose some of his finest music , and artists such as Akseli Gallen-Kallela to paint some remarkable works , all coming together in Finland ' s quest for nationhood and turning its capital city into a jewel of art nouveau , but with a distinctly Finnish flavour .
About Brian Healey
A senior modern languages teacher in an independent grammar school for many years , I have also enjoyed a successful parallel career since the 1980s as a professional artist and interior designer . Since 2006 I have been regularly appointed to a number of prestigious ocean and river cruise lines , either as resident artist , guest lecturer on art history or as destination speaker for more than forty countries . Most recently this work has successfully extended to art guiding through important towns and museums in France , Belgium , Holland and Spain .
Brian ( pictured above ) is no stranger to Nerja ; he last talked to us , via Zoom , in April 2021 when he described the work of Anders Zorn and , in a separate talk , that of John Singer Sargent .
For more information go to www . theartssocietynerja . com /