SOLLIMS Sampler February 2015 | Page 28

18. Local ownership has to be the priority – ultimately this is where SSR commitment and sustainability derives; international entities must support rather than preempt local ownership; build capacity for local ownership to succeed; involve NGOs and civilian think tanks in SSR; develop and empower national and regional SSR networks; security institutions must be viewed as primary stakeholders in SSR. 19. Be more even-handed with support for peacekeeping operations and SSR. Africa is mentioned as a region not treated fairly or provided enough resources. 20. Planning needs to consider longer-term financial and fiscal sustainability issues especially after UN missions and operations officially cease; multi-lateral funding mechanisms, like the Multi-Donor Trust Fund, should be used in peacekeeping programs to strengthen local ownership. 21. Institute external evaluation of SSR programs and make it a matter of practice and standard procedure. 22. Link economic development to security through SSR. The fiscal, macroeconomic, and development framework should support SSR instead of undermining it. Poverty reduction and managing natural resources are important issues that should be addressed in SSR. 23. Related recommendations include funding more SSR-related research and changing the notion that SSR in not for post-conflict situations only. The scope of SSR can be applied to all transitioning countries and even to advanced countries where security governance is a problem. Implications. 1. Security Sector Reform is one of the most, if not the most, important factor in peace building. It is the linchpin of all the other factors. Planners must give SSR careful thought and evaluation and extend it out past an envisioned peacekeeping operation or mission. The UN planners should be a highly adaptable and creative group who can develop SSR initiatives while depending on limited and constrained resources. 2. Negotiators and planners alike have to be in synch to implement and sustain SSR in peace agreements. A good, broad-based SSR plan improves the chance of success for peace agreements. 3. In the background of the recommendations is the difficulty in resourcing SSR initiatives and peacekeeping, in general. Table of Contents | Quick Look | Contact PKSOI Page 27 of 33