Sole Director Volume 1 | Page 9

Ask Emily Dear Emily, I’ve been having trouble with consistency. Some days, my team is fired up and it seems like we’re on top of the world. Other days, I’m nagging everyone to engage and connect. How can I fix this? - Inconsistent on the Floor Not hitting the target all the time? Emily addresses inconsistency on the floor Dear Inconsistent on the Floor, Welcome to retail management! All kidding aside, there are a couple of things to look at when you have inconsistency in your door. The first thing to examine is the consistency of the SD role. Are all of the SD’s holding the team to the same expectations? Are the selling skills better/worse when specific managers are working? If you think this might be a root cause, try doing Associate surveys on all of the SD’s and compare the results for a place to start coaching. Remember to look for the common denominator amongst the Associates, too. One person’s energy can bring down the rest of the team. When you’re having one of those inconsistent days, instead of nagging, challenge yourself to stand back and just watch your