SOFOS Philosofoi | Page 20

-What would you say about the people that have experienced these phenomena since they were children?

I would be really concerned about their development, mainly because our minds are feeded during childhood, which means we absorb ideas about religion, ethics, morality and government. Everything we know and believe when we are grownups comes from our experiences and perceptions of the world since we were born. If these children have experienced violence and intolerance it will be impossible to change their beliefs in the future and they will not respect the natural rights of others. Believe it or not the little and almost insensible impressions on our infancies have very important and lasting consequences.

-What is your opinion about the Islamic State obligating people to commit crimes and atrocities in name of their religion?

No one, neither single people nor churches, nay, nor even commonwealths, have any just title to invade the civil rights of each other on pretence of religion. If these people call themselves a state, they should respect the rights for its nationals, because this should be every government’s purpose.

-Do you have any other comment about the topic?

Yes, we must remember that peace is the norm, and should be the norm. We can and should live together in peace nations by refraining from disturbing each other’s property and people, and for the most part we do.

“All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.”