Socio Business Magazine of Pakistan Volume -1 | March 2015 | Page 22

Active Social Bodies


Message from President

I am not a man from social sector but I am a man of colors, beauty and fragrance. I by myself always feel stress to see the miseries of society. We are not a nation of people but a nation of issues. There is a lot of problems i.e. housing and living standards of lower middle and poor classes, gender description e.g. torture, disability, acid bring, unemployment especially for women, family stress at daughter birth, negative affect after divorce of the parents, domestic violence and effects on children, minorities and interfaith matters etc.

We must understand, face and resolve these issues at our level. We must play our character at our best. Why we are reluctant to play our character when we see the addiction of cigarettes especially in women. We can arrange better employment in women and disables by providing them Flower shops and women Bazars etc.

We can provide our society some better directions by Interpretation of Quran for better understanding, the great poet Allama qbal and better understanding of IQBALIAT, Singing courses and singing facilities for disables, domestic labors must have its appreciation of its valuable importance in society, Anti-dory movements, at Eid we must facilitate the poor, Sports facilities for kids have disease of sugar, employment for widows, promotion of art and artists from deprived areas.

Our society is facing issues can be solved only by some sharp management, devoted and dedicated establishment as we are facing the issues of inflation, unemployment, child labor, street crime, low level of education, disorders in education system especially by extra burden of evening academies, negative behavior of teachers, torture on domestic labor, Suicide issues, domestic issues of daughters’ home by interruption of parents, forced marriage and no consent of marriage from daughter, Inter family mirages, reforms for imprisoned kids etc.

We must understand, the need of change in the world. The face of world has surprise changes. Now, we are living in the global world which is called a global era. Now, we are living in the world have multinational companies have same products and franchise values. These companies are also engaged CSR (Social and Corporate Responsibility) and the character of these companies are surprising good for the development of deprived and deserving communities. We are businessmen at our level, although we are not at the level of these multinational companies but we also have some resources and we can also follow the models of these CSR activities.

We must be a nation and it is our responsibility to prove, we are responsible citizen of our country and we must do what we can do at our level.

Naveed Mahmood
