Society Magazine 57 | Page 36

which coincides with the 18-20 month booster dose .
Parents should take the first step in initiating the autism diagnostic process with the family physician if they notice their child exhibiting certain characteristics . In social settings , for instance , causes for concern would include the child not maintaining eye-contact , never smiling , preferring to play alone , and not interested in other children in a playgroup . Communication concerns would include the child frequently not responding to their name , unable to verbalize exactly what they need , appearing unable to hear , and not engaging in common gestures like pointing or waving . Behavioral concerns with the child , like frequent tantrums , hyperactivity , inability or destructive way of playing with toys , repetitive action , movement , oversensitivity to sounds or textures , and an unusual attachment to common objects would also merit further investigation by a physician for ASD .
Once brought in for diagnosis , medical practitioners have two main diagnostic tools to determine if the child has autism and can use one , or both , methods to reach their conclusion . The first is known as the Autism Diagnostic Interview ( ADIR ), where the parents are asked 93 questions on the development of their child and answers are recorded . Results of the ADIR are then tabulated using an algorithm , and those above the cut-off are diagnosed with autism . The second tool is the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule ( ADOSE ), where a medical professional interacts with the child and observes how they respond across a variety of settings and situations . Based on how the child reacts to the schedule of activities , a diagnosis is given to the parents .
After diagnosis , while there is no cure , the available treatment options that can provide relief from the symptoms of the disorder can be grouped into the following categories ; behavior / communication approaches , dietary approaches , medication , and complementary / alternative medicine .
The behavior and communication approach includes the following types of treatments . One is occupational therapy , where children are taught dressing , eating , bathing , and relating to other people . Another is sensory integration therapy ; here children are taught how to cope with sensory sensitivities involving sights , sounds , smells , and touch . Speech therapy involves improving the communication skills for those children with the ability to verbalize . For children unable to talk , the Picture Exchange Communication System treatment teaches communication using symbols and gestures .
Parents of children diagnosed with autism have a 15-20 per cent risk of having another offspring with the same disorder
Some dietary treatment approaches have been developed by reliable therapists . Dietary treatments are based on the idea that food allergies , or lack of vitamins and minerals , cause the flaring of symptoms . Many parents feel that dietary changes make a difference in how their child acts or feels . But many of these treatments do not have the scientific support needed for widespread recommendation . An unproven dietary regimen might help one child but not another . The Gluten-free / Casein-free diet is the most popular choice among parents with autistic children . Such changes include removing certain types of foods from a child ’ s diet and using vitamin or mineral supplements instead .
Although not scientifically proven to alleviate symptoms of autism , some parents claim complementary and alternative medicine like hyperbaric oxygen , Melatonin supplements for sleep disorders , Omega 3 , and other nutritional supplements have given them positive results .
Medication based treatment for autism symptoms should only be done in close consultation with a medical professional . It can include psychoactive or anti-psychotic medications . These medications can decrease hyperactivity , reduce stereotyped behaviors , and minimize withdrawal or aggression . Stimulants have also been found to increase focus and decrease hyperactivity in some . Anti-anxiety and anti-convulsants can help reduce panic attacks and treat those suffering from seizures .
Those seeking treatment for their loved ones affected by ASD have the following main options in Qatar . They can choose to avail the facilities and services at the Rumailah Hospital of the Hamad Medical Corporation or the Shafallah Center for Children with Disabilities , or Renad Academy in Education City or other private centers such as the Child Development Center and Tamakun school , which are specialized in offering intervention services for children with autism and other special needs .
In Qatar , QBRI ’ s Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center ( NDRC ) is leading an ambitious research project in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic and the Oregon Health & Science University , funded by a Qatar National Research Fund , which has the goal of finding the actual prevalence rate of autism in the country . A screening tool , called the Social Communication Questionnaire ( SCQ ), is being administered in public and private schools in Qatar to children between the ages of five to twelve . The SCQ is a series of 40 yes or no questions , the students who score above the cut-off point are then called in for a follow-up where they are put through ADIR or ADOSE tests to confirm or reject a positive diagnosis for ASD .
Also , NDRC is pioneering a cutting-edge research program to validate a new technique in diagnosing ASD through the use of an eye tracking system which will enable healthcare givers to diagnose ASD as early as six months of age . Meanwhile , NDRC geneticists are working on the identification of novel genetic causes for autism aiming at the discovery of new genes causing this disorder among the Qatari population . Initial efforts will involve whole genome sequencing of selected families in order to identify causative genetic changes
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