Society Magazine 57 | Page 35

While challenges remain in providing best care for autistic people , early intervention is proving to have more positive outcomes
By Dr Fouad Alshaban

Autism rates are rising and have seen a tenfold increase over the past 30 years . It is estimated that autism affects one in every 68 newborn children ( according to Center for Disease Control , USA estimates ), while World Health Organization set the prevalence rate to be one in every 100 newborn children throughout the world today . Understanding autism is more crucial than ever in raising awareness of the many factors that contribute to the development of this disorder , especially to those starting a family . While autism has no cure , early diagnosis with early intervention and intensive rehabilitation will improve the condition and offer affected children better social and communication skills . This enables the family to effectively deal with challenges faced in raising an autistic child with the care and attention they require , and deserve . Research is being done across public and private primary schools in Qatar by the Qatar Biomedical Research Institute ( QBRI ), part of the Hamad Bin Khalifa University , to find the prevalence rate of autism in Qatar and compare it with the global prevalence rate

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children before they reach their third birthday . In most cases , symptoms appear after the first year of life and are characterized by impairments in communication , social interaction , and restricted , repetitive patterns of behaviour , interests or activities . Parents of children diagnosed with autism have a 15-20 % risk of having another offspring with the same disorder .
The degree to which an individual is afflicted by autism can range from “ Classic Autism ” to “ High Functioning .” This range is referred to by researchers and medical practitioners as the Autism Spectrum and the range of disorders in it are categorized as Autism Spectrum Disorders ( ASD ). Classic Autism is the most severe form of the disorder ; where the child makes no verbal communication and does not reciprocate social interactions . On the High Functioning end of the spectrum , the end of the spectrum formerly known as Asperger Syndrome , are those with average or above average intelligence , and might not suffer from general learning challenges common to many of the ASD ’ s . However , it is observed that they do exhibit difficulties in socializing with others .
Until now , no definitive cause for autism has been confirmed . The rapidly increasing prevalence of this disorder is considered to be multifactorial with genetic and environmental causes seen as the main contributing factors .
On the genetic side , scientists have identified over 500 individual human genes that can contribute to the development of autism . An individual having one of those genes will only have up-to a one percent chance of developing autism , as each gene only accounts for a single percentage . Usually , individuals with autism have different groups of gene compositions that contribute to the development of the disorder in a unique way that might mitigate some symptoms while exacerbating others and that is why autism usually has many other comorbidities . For instance , 30 % suffer from epilepsy ; 50-70 % exhibit some degree of intellectual disability . Other comorbidities with varying degrees of severity include attention-deficit disorder , hyperactivity disorder , immune deficiencies , gastro-intestinal dysfunction , sleep disturbance , sensory sensitivities , and social anxiety amongst others .
As for environmental causes , studies have shown that exposure of pregnant women to certain chemicals , air pollution , household insecticides , certain pharmaceuticals such as Depakin , which is used to treat epilepsy , and some viral infections ( i . e . German measles ) might play a role in the causation of the disorder . It is important here to note that there are no established links between the MMR vaccine and the onset of autism ,
Dr Fouad Alshaban
Graduated from Baghdad College of Medicine , and became involved in the field of preventive medicine . He obtained his Ph . D . in preventive medicine in the United Kingdom . He held many different positions as a scientist working in academic research and as assistant professor in Occupational Medicine and Public Health . He was also a Planner and Advisor in different medical institutions , including the Iraqi Ministry of Health . Prior to joining the Shafallah Medical Genetics Center in 2009 , he was Research Program Manager & Senior Research Coordinator in the Washington Hospital Center in association with Johns Hopkins University Hospital . He was head of Research of the Department of Research and Training at the Shafallah Medical Genetics Center where he was involved in setting up research policies and regulations as well as the establishment of the Institutional Review Board . Currently , Dr . Alshaban works as a Senior Scientist at QBRI Neurological Disorder Research Center . Dr . Alshaban published three books in the field of Public Health , Infectious Diseases and Nutrition and has many published articles in medical & non-medical magazines and journals .
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