Social Vine Nov, 2012 | Page 5

C-Mills: I’m from Milwaukee Wisconsin and life was pretty smooth growing up I didn’t have to many problems growing up as a kid I grew up in rough neighborhoods but I was always treated with love because I played basketball and all my older peers wanted to see me make it somewhere.

SV: Were both parents active in your life

C-Mills: yes both of my parents were active in my life but my father passed away when I was 9 it was very devastating for our family.

SV: what’s one thing that they did that will always have impact you in your life

C-Mills: my father was always there so that taught me that he was a real father and now that imma father I want to follow in his footsteps and my mother taught me how to be a hustler she hated for us to just sit around and be broke so her hustling skills played a big role in my life. Growing up we would sell tapes and when those played out we were selling cds and DVDs and that gave me a lot of experience so that’s why it’s easy to sell my own music lol.

SV: Do you have any children if tell us about them

C-Mills: yes I have three children I have a daughter and 2 sons that I love with all my heart. SV: Growing up in the Quote on Quote hood what does that mean to you I know some people want to think oh they are just ghetto or they don’t know any better and etc. of what other people may think the hood may be what is your experience of growing up in the hood or did you even grown up in the hood. C-Mills: growing up in the hood made me the man who I am today the friends I chose to hang around always pushed us to work hard and stand up for what you believe in. one thing I learned in the hood is that good work ethic can get you anywhere in life if you work hard you can achieve whatever goals you have. One thing I respected about the hood I’m from is that I wasn’t forced to live a certain lifestyle because I was in the hood the drug dealers new I wasn’t that type of kid so they pushed and motivated me to keep hooping. The dudes

I grew up around was some 100 n***** if they didn’t mess with you they didn’t mess with you and if you wasn’t from the hood you couldn’t come around unless you was cool with somebody from the hood. SV: I ask this question because of your Number One Hit for three weeks straight LOL Real A** N***** is the hood the only place a Real A** N***** can come from and what is a Real A** N*****

C-Mills: no the hood is not the only place a real a** n***** can come from a real a** n***** can come from anywhere lol. My definition of a real a** n***** is an n***** that keeps it 100 with his n**** and will always have their back no matter what. A real a** n***** cares and will do anything to provide for his family. A real a** n**** doesn’t put on a front when certain people are around a real a** n**** stays himself at all times.

SV: Now being that the N word is still and has always been frowned upon but in today’s world people use it so freely why is that

C-Mills: I don’t know I guess it’s just a word that we are used to saying lol that’s my n***** that’s how we talk lol

SV: Do you think it is okay to call people the N word

C-Mills: I don’t think it’s ok to call everybody the n word because some people take that word very offensive I just use it in a slang term like that’s my n*****.

SV: Why do you think it’s okay to call for African Americans to use the N word but it’s not okay for another race short of speak to call us the N I mean they hear some of us call each other that so isn’t or is it okay for them too. C-Mills: its ok for anybody to use the n word it’s just how they use it or say it when they are speaking to us don’t call me a n***** in slave terms.

SV: Would it make it okay if someone of another race called us that and they were our friend

C-Mills: I would not have a problem hearing another race saying I’m they n****