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Tumblr now hosts 138.6 million blogs complete with a whopping 62.3 billion posts at the time of this article was written. Now thats a whole lotta humanity right there. Naturally, such a giant is going to spur more than a little interest within the online marketing community.
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Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking website founded by David Karp and owned by Yahoo! Inc. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users' blogs, as well as make their blogs private. Much of the website's features are accessed from the "dashboard" interface, where the option to post content and posts of followed blogs appear.
The average visit to Tumblr is 14 minutes, longer than Twitter or Facebook.
The average Tumblr user views around 67 pages per month.
17% of Tumblr visits happen during work.
The top 10 Tumblr tags are lol, fashion, food, art, vintage, landscape, tattoos, black and white, makeup, and illustration.
31% of all visitors are in the U.S, totaling 41,250,000
9% of US visits happen through mobile devices.
Tumblr is the fifth most visited site throughout the U.S.