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Even Snapchat jumped on the social media platform trend with offering filters that add to political campaigns. Although snapchatting Donald Trumps face with a dog filter is tempting, users can also watch snapchat stories of debate reactions throughout the country. Several universities had the geotag of their university, so users could submit their reactions to the worldwide snapchat story titled “Debate Night; College Edition”.

Right when you thought you couldn’t see and read enough about the funny ways that politicians are broadcasting themselves and each other online, Spotify created a playlist for Hillary Clinton supporters to listen to. Featuring Katy Perry and Ariana Grande, Hillary fans can enjoy a music celebration of powerful women to get voters pumped up for the upcoming election. With current songs and upbeat music, Spotify has found a unique way to incorporate music to get millennial's to vote.

With the overwhelming media attention, having a little fun with social media can promote the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election can help to make light of a hard battle. Millennial’s are now able to connect to the candidates in a way that they know best, and engage with other opinions with people their age. From music to dog filters, social media can appeal to people on the go, and help to encourage the fact that every vote matters through direct links to register to vote.