Social Media and You Vol. 6 No, 7 July 2022 | Page 29

Content creators and businesses can do their own analysis of their posts , such as likes , comments and shares to determine which of their content does well with their followers and create a content strategy to increase engagement .
Other tricks include posting content during peak usage times , engaging with other accounts , using hashtags and publishing regularly .
This method is ideal for building a loyal customer base or following that regularly engages with content . The engagement from loyal users acts as an endorsement that attracts more followers . If enough social media users engage with a business ’ s content , the algorithm will begin suggesting the content to others .
For websites , content creators and businesses can take steps to ensure their pages are placed higher on a search page by providing content that answers questions and provides information about specific search terms and phrases . Google ’ s algorithm crawls web pages in search of search terms and phrases to determine the relevancy of content for search queries .
Among other things that impact the Google algorithm are the site ’ s credibility , load speed , mobile-friendliness and visitor engagement .
A more direct way for businesses to reach customers is through paid social media and digital advertising . The algorithms will place the advertisements on feeds or web pages based on the personas they have created . Advertisers don ’ t directly see the data . They simply upload their image or ad , then select the demographics , interests and locations they want to target . The social media platform does the rest and collects analytics on the performance of the ad , such as views , link clicks and likes .
Social media is at the center of our digital lives today . How it works is not a mystery , its technology just needs to be understood .
— Jay R . Shedd is executive vice president of Citadel Pacific , the parent company of PTI Pacific Inc . which does business as IT & E and IP & E . He has more than 30 years of experience in the telecommunications industry , business development , sales and marketing .


If you ’ re smart , you don ’ t need to conserve energy

Over the last few weeks , I heard statements from the Consolidated Commission of Utilities that I ’ d like to clarify .

First , Hawaii ' s energy costs are far more expensive than Guam ’ s . This is true to the extent that Hawaii ’ s overall Kwh rate is higher than Guam ’ s . But let ’ s dig into the numbers . The average household in Hawaii , as in most islands , has a far lower consumption rate per household than in Guam . Hawaii ’ s monthly average household energy consumption
By Jeffrey Voacolo
is 550 Kwh , compared to Guam ’ s average which is 850Kwh .
Now if you compare the energy bills in both jurisdictions , a household in Hawaii pays an average of $ 220 per month , while a Guam household pays around $ 260 per month . Clearly , Guam ’ s energy bills are far higher than Hawaii ’ s .
I always cringe when I hear or see the utility agency ’ s tips to save and conserve energy . There is this huge nuclear ball that rises every morning . It has more energy in one hour than the entire world will ever use in a year .
We are being told to conserve energy . Since I was a boy , I have always been told to turn off the lights , do not leave the air conditioning on , turn your computer off . Only when I entered the energy field 45 years ago did I figure out there is no need to conserve energy . We must just be smart enough to harness this energy and use it for whatever we need and want such as cooking , air conditioning and transportation .
A centralized energy generation and
distribution source does not work . I have a solar energy system with batteries and consume energy where it is generated at my home .
The other statement that I heard was , “ hey , don ’ t blame the utility ” for the rise “ We pric- either or tried in your energy bill . do not control fuel es .” I believe they missed the point here to dodge the bullet .
The whole point is burning fuel . The less burn to produce enerless you purchase destructive fuel , will result in lower energy bills for all .
Late last year I gave back to the utility agency — begrudgingly , believe me — over 7,000Kwh because I generated more energy than I could possibly use . Given what we all are experiencing now , the agency can certainly use my spare energy .
Now , how do you stop burning fuel ? Install solar energy at the point of consumption . If every household had a solar system with a battery , we would have total control of our energy . Think about that for a moment : having total control of your own energy .
The next and most important part would be energy security and energy independence . The
to stop you gy , the this which people whom we rely on for energy security are not steering this island in this direction . Building a huge , centralized utility plant and huge solar farms that are centralized will never decrease our utility bills .
Rely on the sun . It ’ s your God-given right to control your own energy .
Jeffrey Voacolo is the vice president and chief operations officer of Generation Renewable Inc . Send feedback to jvoacolo @ micronesiarenewableenergy . com