Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More PDF / Book Free Download Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More By David Ortega | Page 27
While any of these treatments may be effective, and possibly more than one (since some
of them are closely related), it’s critically important that you monitor your snoring to
ensure that you are making measurable progress towards your (or your partners!) stop-
snoring goals.
In other words: some of these non-surgical treatments might work better for you than
others; and it’s important that you carefully investigate your options fully in order to find
the solution that works best for you.
Lifestyle Changes: Diet
Allergy Alert!
Surprisingly, many people aren’t entirely sure of what they’re allergic to! It sounds
strange, and yes, people are typically aware of the major things that they’re allergic to,
but the minor things – the things that promote congestion, runny eyes, and minor
breathing difficulty – are often neglected.
The idea here is to carefully monitor any adverse reactions that you might have to food,
drink, or anything at all (including pets!). Anything that leads to congestion can enhance
So if, for example, you discover that an hour after you drink milk you feel stuffy, then
watch out if you’re a snorer! Simply changing your diet around, or in this case choosing
to avoid milk – or at least not drink it close to bedtime – could substantially improve your
snoring problem.
For people with some fruit allergies, vitamin C can be a significant irritant. People
should monitor their reactions when taking vitamin C in both supplement and direct form