Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More PDF / Book Free Download Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More By David Ortega | Page 11

o Sedates the throat muscles and causes them to collapse o Dilates blood vessels which swells up throat tissue  Cigarette smoking, which inflames the upper airway  The normal aging process, which can simply lead to a loss of muscle tone in the neck and thus snoring * Since relatively more men tend to experience an excess gut, this is one reason why more men tend to experience snoring than women. ** Any medication (prescribed, over the counter, or illicit) that leads to excessive relaxation can lead to snoring. So while we’ve looked at what snoring is, and what (rather common) factors and variables lead to/increase snoring. SECTION 2: THE PROBLEM OF SNORING Again, one of the very strange challenges that the entire topic of snoring faces, is that, well, most people don’t think it’s all that big of a problem. The word itself – snoring – is rather harmless sounding, really; and it’s nowhere as terrifying as some angry medical words such as tumor or cirrhosis. As a result, many people are quite skeptical when told that snoring is a severe physical and emotional health problem. If you might find yourself among these skeptics, or if you’re just unsure of just how serious this problem is, then this section is for you. 11