Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More PDF / Book Free Download Snoring & Sleep Apnea No More By David Ortega | Page 10

Snoring Tends to Favor Men Overall, men’s necks tend to be larger than women’s necks; and thus there may be more fleshy tissue in there just waiting to combine with air flow and cause snoring. Another reason is that women produce the hormone called Progesterone, which is considered by some medical experts to be an aid in reducing or preventing snoring. In fact, there are some anti-snoring treatments that involve Progesterone therapy for snoring men. Factors that Increase and/or Lead to Snoring There are several health and lifestyle factors that contribute to snoring; and this is true for both men and women, since snoring is a condition that does affect both genders (though surveys suggest that men snorers outnumber women snorers by a ratio of 2:1). Some of the major health and lifestyle factors that can contribute to snoring include:  Allergies, which can clog the airway and trachea  Allergy medications, which can dry the nasal cavities  Cold and Flu, which can similarly clog the airway (this is why some people experience snoring only when they’re suffering a cold or flu)  Thickened tissues in the nasal passages, which can sometimes result from some surgeries unrelated to snoring  Overuse of nasal sprays which irritate the nasal passageway  Enlarged adenoids and/or tonsils  Goiter (swelling of the an ineffective thyroid gland in the neck)  A disproportionately large tongue that blocks airflow  Ineffective regulation and neural control of mucus membranes  Obesity and excess weight (leading to an enlarged neck and excess soft tissue in the trachea)*  Excess gut/belly (relatively decreasing the size of the lungs)*  Drinking alcohol**, which: 10