Smitten Kitchen first edition | Page 22


1 kilogram of potatoes

2 eggs

2 spoonfuls of grated Parmesan

1 spoonful of milk

little butter

Salt [ˈsɔːlt] to taste

Sunflower oil

1.Boil the potatoes and peel them; then mash them.

2.Add a little of butter and blend it carefully; add the eggs one by one always blending, the grated Parmesan, the milk and the salt.

3.Heat [ˈhiːt] the sunflower oil in a pan and, when it’s hot, pour [ˈpɔːr] the mixture with a spoon. Cook them on each side until they become golden brown, take them out of the pan and drain them on absorbent paper.

4.Serve them hot.