Smitha Guidebook 23-24 latest | Page 21

Cobb County School District JCDA-R Student Code of Conduct :
F . PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS / ELECTRONIC DEVICES : 1 . Elementary and Middle School : Students shall not use , display , or turn on smart watches , cell phones , video phones , or electronic devices during instructional time , class change time , breakfast or lunch . The Principal shall determine specified times on campus when electronic devices may be used for instructional purposes
G . DISRESPECTFUL CONDUCT : 4 . Insubordination : All students shall comply with reasonable directions or commands of all authorized District personnel or designees .
1 . Students are not allowed to use their cellphones during the school day . If students need to call parents , they must go the main office and use the school phone . If parents need to reach students with messages or emergencies , parents must call the school main office . All students have laptops so there is no need to use cellphones during classroom instruction .
2 . Student cellphones must be placed in their bookbags . Cellphones cannot be in back pockets , pockets , in hand or anywhere they are visible .
3 . Student cellphones ringers , alerts , and alarms should be turned off .
4 . Students who violate the cellphone policy will be issued a conduct point . 5 . The student conduct point progressive discipline policy below will be followed .
• 1 - One point in class – Individual Student Redirection - Student should consider making choices that help him / her to follow class and school rules .
• 2 - Two points in class - Individual Student Redirection / Family Contact w / confirmed response of receipt – Student should consider making choices that help him / her to follow class and school rules .
• 3 - Three points in class – Family Phone Call - Parents or guardians will be called to discuss issues and what can be done to help the student make better choices and prevent more serious consequences .
• 4 - Four points in class – Detention Issued – Parents will be notified that student has a before or after school detention due to accumulation of points in a single class . Schedule detention through electronic document in Smitha Faculty Handbook .
• 5 - Five points in class – Student and Stakeholder Conference - Parents will be notified and asked to participate in a student and stakeholder conference ( Student , Administrator , Teacher , and Guardian ) so that behavior issues can be addressed , and a course of action put into place .
• 6 - Six points in class – Office Referral - Parents will be notified and a referral will be completed which may result in more serious consequences , such as In School Suspension and Out of School Suspension .
* Each point after 6 results in an additional referral which may result in even more serious consequences . *
When students bring cellphones , air pods , earbuds , or any personal electronics to school , the student and parent assume all risk for damaged , lost , or stolen items .