Smitha Guidebook 23-24 latest | Page 20

Smitha has an exciting rewards program based on behavioral successes . This program offers great incentives such as Cardinal Cash to acknowledge appropriate and outstanding student behavior . The program promotes positive character to build skills that will help students be successful at Smitha Middle School and in life .
In conjunction with the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support program ( PBIS ), every Friday students participate in either Fresh Air Friday ( FAF ) or Cardinal Class . Fresh Air Friday is a 20-minute segment of time for students to go outside for fresh air , to move around , to play games , and to socialize with friends . Participation in FAF is outlined for students at the beginning of the school year . On alternate Fridays , students participate in Cardinal Class which is a 20-minute segment of time when students engage in interactive lessons and class discussions targeting issues such as conflict resolution , character building , and digital citizenship / cyber bulling .
Smitha ’ s behavioral expectations are that as students you will commit to the following : ✓ Be prepared for class and work hard to do your best every day ! ✓ Accept the consequences of your actions . ✓ Do your part to help keep the school clean and safe . When students fail to comply with these behavioral expectations , they are subject to tiered interventions and or
consequences which include conduct points . See chart below :