Smash Pro Brochure Volume #1 | Page 10


Communication & Marketing Website :

Business to Business : Members have access to an exclusive electronic business platform ( Secure & Advance website ) where relevant information relating to all aspects of the industry is communicated . Members are also encouraged to contribute as confidentiality is guaranteed .
Business to Customer : Enabling the public to locate a MBR Specialist anywhere in the regions of South Africa . Access to the Web via PC ’ s , Smartphones & Tablets is already major communication tools . Only 30 % of vehicles are ensured and 89 % of vehicle owners have cellphones . Informed decision making is available 24 / 7 , Word of Mouth ( social media ) is everywhere . The MBR that will survive & prosper needs to be visible and connected .
The public is enabled to research a service provider according to Contact & location detail , OEM Approvals , Insurance Company approvals & CSI ratings etc .
SMASH PRO facilitates : Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ), Latest Update of Members Info and Industry related Business Information , providing & maintaining strategic links . Communication with Industry Associations , OEM ’ s & Insurance Industry . Campaigns to inform and attract consumers , also aimed at the 70 % uninsured market .

See more general detail at www . smashpro . co . za