Smart Mobility Exporter Resource Guide | Page 13


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Most Austrian vehicles are currently classified as Level 0 or Level 1 (max. = Level 5) of autonomous driving. According to a recent study by PWC, the first vehicles classified at least as Level 4 could come onto the market in 2022 and reach 17% of EU market share by 2035. Most fully automated cars are anticipated to be used by car sharing providers. Several major Austrian automotive companies are heavily involved in advance R&D and prototyping of drive trains for autonomous vehicles manufacturers, often working in close collaboration with Austrian universities.

U.S. exporters interested in the Austrian market can either position themselves by building a direct relationship with larger clients or by selling through an established, qualified partner such as a wholesaler, value-added distributor or systems integrator. Some U.S. software companies may choose to partner with U.S. or other international integrators already established in Austria or work with an existing partner in Germany, that can also cover the Austrian market.

U.S. companies pursuing long-term cooperation with OEMs, Tier 1 and Tier 2 companies or that are interested in national projects with the Austrian government and larger professional integrators should consider a direct business presence in Austria.

Particularly in the field of automotive R&D collaboration, Austria offers a range of highly innovative players that are shaping the future of automotive sector, most with U.S. presence. Leading companies include AVL List, TTTech, Kreisel, Miba, BMW Steyr, Magna Steyr and KTM Industries. The Austrian government offers grant funding also available to international companies pursuing R&D efforts in Austria.

Key considerations by Austrian clients include a supplier`s full compliance with EU and industry-specific quality, safety, technical and environmental standards/regulations. Conformity with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is also essential for U.S. providers, particularly of software. Increasingly, clients also request that software providers use secure data centers within the EU region. Most Austrian business partners are fluent in English, but most local trade shows, conferences and industry publications are in German. Therefore, U.S. companies should adapt marketing materials accordingly for the Austrian market.

Market Entry