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Best Prospects for U.S. Exports
Apps and platforms that allow the combination of different offerings in the sense of multimodal mobility or "Mobility as a Service" (MaaS) are widely used in Austria. Connected Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) industry leaders in Austria such as Kapsch Traffic are active worldwide including in the U.S.
Digital advancement is a priority of the Austrian government across the economy. In Vienna, as part of the country’s Open Government Data (OGD) initiative, the city government makes numerous data sets and web services available to the public, which also can be accessed by U.S. solutions providers. In the field of mobility, examples include the locations of bus stops, speed 30 zones and the route planning service of Wiener Linien.
While useful in advancing connected mobility solutions, increasing digitization and data collection are also accompanied by risks and new challenges related to cyberattacks, data theft, data misuse and the protection of privacy. For U.S. companies offering mobility services or solutions to digital vulnerabilities, compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most important requirement for a successful expansion within the EU.
Autonomous driving will increasingly play a vital role in Austria`s mobility future. The Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) is investing around $80 million between 2019-22 in an “Automated Mobility Action Package”. This government's program aims to further strengthen the country`s role as a leading location for research, development and production in the following areas: