Small Town Times | Page 4

GENERAL FUND CLAIMS JANUARY, 2016 ACTIVITY CO-OP 14.00; ALICAP 864.00; ALMQUIST 100.00; ANSLEY LUMBER 60.94; AS CENTRAL SERVICES 227.47; ANSLEY SCHOOLS 2202.65; BS & K 625.00; CHARTER 578.28; CIT 1986.94; CULLIGAN 30.00; CUSTER POWER 4115.01; ESU 10 8285.67; FARMERS CO-OP TRANSPORTATION 198.46; ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING 81.05; J&H ATHLETIC 711.00; JERRYS REPAIR 1087.47; JIM’S TRENCHING 372.42; KBEAR 150.00; BRAD KJAR 169.00; MIDWEST RESTAURANT 4152.00; MENARDS 62.34; MOORE MEDICAL 326.36; NAEIR 59.00; NASB 495.00; NCTC 89.86; NCSA 235.00; NE SAFETY AND FIRE 520.00; OFFICE NET 66.02; PETTY CASH 1508.70; QUILL 837.72; SCHOLASTIC 56.94; SHERMAN COUNTY TIMES 28.00; SOCIAL THINKING 152.61; SOURCE GAS 2877.60; THE CORNHUSKER MARRIOTT 325.57; THOMPSON CO. 279.15; TANE 595.81; USI, INC 232.40; VILLAGE OF LITCHFIELD 237.96; JOSH WILSON 554.88; ACTIVITY FBLA 30.00; JANUARY PAYROLL 155,535.93. ** ATTENTION ** ***HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS & PARENTS OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS*** Post Prom Permission forms can be picked up in the school office beginning Monday, March 7th. Each student & their out of town date that plans to attend Post Prom Activities will need to complete this form and return to the school office no later than Monday, March 28 th. ** The Litchfield Boosters are looking for eight people interested in sponsoring the group of students going to Kearney for the post prom activities from midnight to 5 am (approximate time). You would ride the bus to Kearney & supervise the activities at the Big Apple. Please call Teresa Pickar @ (308) 750-0767 if you have any questions or are interested in volunteering.  4