Todd Wardyn recommended that the superintendent of Litchfield Public School be approved as the district’s
federal programs administrator for 2016. Second by Steve Heapy. Motion carried 6-0.
Todd Wardyn recommended the policies 905.07, 412.02, 508.05, 410.03, and 410.03.1 for 2nd reading
approval. Second by Bill Howard. Motion carried 6-0.
Todd Wardyn made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss Teacher Negotiations. Second by Jim
Holm. Motion carried 6-0.
President Mitch Feldman restated the intent for Executive Session was to discuss Teacher Negotiations.
The Board entered Executive Session at 8:43 p.m.
The Board came out of Executive Session at 9:09 p.m.
The Board passed the negotiated agreement to set the teacher base at $32,800 for 2016-2017 and $33,400 for
2017-2018. Other items approved in the formal contract included movement of several extra duty positions
and approval of the $750 deductible plan for health insurance for the next two years.
Marie Sweley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:11 p.m. Second by Jim Holm. Motion carried 6-0.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be at 7:30 p.m. on February 15, 2016.
The agenda is a continuous agenda and is available for examination during regular hours at the office of the
Superintendent. Public notice of the meeting will be given in the Small Town Times Newsletter and in the
Sherman County Times.
Marie Sweley
Board Secretary
LPS FBLA is now selling cuties (oranges) for delivery to anyone within the school (teachers,
administration, students) for $1.00 each. Each delivery comes with a Valentine’s Day card &
message of your choice. To order, please contact Mrs. Hunt.
Email: [email protected]
Cell: (308) 870-4540
School: (308) 446-2244
Or in room 203 @High School
Cuties & Cards will be delivered on February 11th during 8th hour (12-12:30pm)