JANUARY 20, 2016
President Todd Wardyn called the regular meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Members present: Steve Heapy, Bill Howard, Marie Sweley, Todd Wardyn, Mitch Feldman, and Jim Holm
came in late.
Visitors: Cannon Blauvelt, Susan Poland, Jeralynn and Brian Moser.
President Todd Wardyn announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Law is
posted on the wall of the meeting room, and also indicated the instructions for those who wish to speak
during the public forum.
The minutes of the last meeting were read. Mitch Feldman made a motion to approve as read the minutes
from the last meeting. Second by Todd Wardyn. Motion carried 5-0.
The treasurer reported a balance of $1,182,425.13 in the district treasury. Payroll and claims in the amount
of $191,739.87 were presented for payment. Mitch Feldman made a motion to pay the claims. Second by
Bill Howard. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Kjar reported on Christmas Concert, End of quarter/semester rewards assembly, Next round of MAPS
testing, NESA writing tests, Parent-Teacher conference, resignation of Mr. Kirby as our 7-12
Agriculture/Industrial Tech Teacher, posting of weekly schedule on the homepage, hosting a dual with
Arcadia/Loup City for wrestling and release of 16/17 football schedule on February 10th; Mrs. Kluender
reported on End of Second Quarter Assembly, Video game station that our Game Design class created,
Using the Cube for the Christmas Program, and 2nd Quarter rewards program, Five Elementary teachers
attended the Adolescent Literacy Project training, and Testing session starting for MAPS
In the Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Maline discussed: Election of Board Officers, Approal of District
Federal Programs Administrator, Technology Survey Results for Students and Staff, Technology Proposal,
Long Range Planning, Van Purchase, Policies Review and Approval, Facility Management and Meeting
Notes, School calendar, Co-op Meeting will be held Friday, January 29th at 11:30 a.m. at Ansley School,
Board and Superintendent Evaluation, and Teacher Negotiations.
Todd Wardyn nominated Mitch Feldman for President. Second by Steve Heapy. Todd Wardyn ceased the
nominations. Mitch Feldman was elected President. Motion carried 5-0 with one abstention, Holm.
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Todd Wardyn nominated to reelect the following officers to their positions. Second by Bill Howard. Steve
Heapy was reelected Treasurer. Motion carried 5-0 with one abstention, Heapy. Marie Sweley was reelected
Secreatary. Motion carried 5-0 with one abstention, Sweley.
Todd Wardyn nominated Jim Holm for Vice President. Second by Steve Heapy. Marie Swe