EducationQuest Foundation
College Planning Bulletin
A monthly college planning guide for Nebraska high school students
Winter break: a good time for college prep!
Take advantage of free time over the holidays to do some prep work for college. Here are a few things you can do!
Seniors, complete your FAFSA
If you haven’t already, complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Need help? Use our free FAFSA Tools
or call us to make an appointment for free help: Omaha - 888.357.6300; Lincoln - 800.303.3745; Kearney - 800.666.3721; or
Scottsbluff - 800.303.3745, ext. 6654.
Juniors, prepare for the ACT
All Nebraska high school juniors will take the ACT college entrance exam this spring. Here’s a list of resources to help you
Search for scholarships
Use our free ScholarshipQuest tool to find Nebraska-based awards. You’ll also find links to national scholarship sites.
Update your Activities Resume
Our free Activities Resume is an easy way to track your extracurricular activities, accomplishments, volunteer work, and part-time
jobs. The information is then readily available when you apply for scholar