Small Town Times December Newsletter | Page 8

Elementary Artists Recognized for Exemplary Work Jenna Drahota and Adelaide Moser are pictured here with artwork that will be on display for school board members and administrators from across the state. Works are chosen that demon- strate exemplary creativity and craftsmanship. On November 20th-22nd, school board members and administrators attended the Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB) state conference. As they check-in, they will enjoy a beautiful art show at the main entrance of the CHI Convention Center. The exhibition is created to showcase the Nebraska State Visual Art Standards in our artrooms across the state. The standards were created to develop the whole student: life skills, critical thinking, the creative problem solving method, and perseverance. Jenna Drahota, a third grade student, painted a beautiful owl in what appears to be a sweater vest. She named her artwork, “Nelly the Owl”. She states, “I did the owl in pink because it’s pretty. I mixed a color at the top of the owl then showed how I got that color underneath in the owl’s other feathers. I love to paint because it explains how I feel. I color and draw almost every single day.” The standard for this pro- ject was artistic voice, and Jenna has certainly shown her personality and voice through this sweet owl. Adelaide Moser, a kindergarten student, created an orange dairy cow inside of a fence with a red barn in the background. She named her work, “Beautiful and Prettiest Cow”. When asked the meaning of her art- work she said, “I colored my cow orange because orange is my third favorite color. I drew a fence because I didn’t want it to go away. After my orange cow, I did more cows to show my Mom and Dad.” In this les- son, students learned to use overlapping as a tool to create a more realistic landscape. Great job to these Litchfield Elementary students, and thank you for representing us at the state con- ference. ~Allison Varah