Jr. High Participate at
Inventure Day
FFA News
On November 5 th the Litchfield FFA chapter
participated in the District 8 Livestock Judging
competition in Kearney. Individuals earning
ribbons from Litchfield were Hunter Sweley
and Jacob Heapy receiving red and Lyndsie
McAuliff, Tyra Sekutera and Lane Slocum re-
ceiving white. On December 9 th some of the
high school members will be participating in
the District 8 Leadership Development Event
competition and the Jr. High complete a com-
petition at Shelton.
The annual FFA fruit sales wrapped up at the
end of October. The jerky has arrived and there
are a few containers remaining for sale. The
fruit is scheduled to arrive sometime around
November 25 th and the remainder of the items
will be delivered on or before December 12 th .
Contact Mr. Johnson at the school if you have
any questions.
Caleb Unick and Jason Stark with Hoegemeyer
Hybrids recently presented a check for $500 to
the Litchfield FFA chapter. Funds donated to
the chapter are used to pay for students to at-
tend workshops and competitions. Funds are
also used to help purchase equipment and ma-
terials for students to use in Agriculture Educa-
tion classes as well as contest preparation. If
you have any questions about the program or
would like to help support the program in any
way, please contact Mr. Johnson.
The annual FFA Labor Auction is tentatively
scheduled December 19 th . More information
will be available soon!
The Nebraska FFA Pathways to Careers confer-
ence was held in Kearney on November 16 th .
Industry professionals from the different ca-
reer pathways presented career information to
the students about the industry and careers
available. Students from Litchfield attending
included Braydon Goodner, Pacen Trent, Syd-
nee Sweley, Kayden Lucas, Rebecca Mostek
and Brandi Slocum.
Thursday, October 24, 2019 was
a day of adventure for our 7th
graders as they participated in
UNL Extension sponsored IN-
VENTURE Day held at the Loup
City Community Center. Stu-
dents learned about entrepre-
neurship as well as creating a
business. Students worked in
groups of 4-6 students. Groups
were given a widget to include in
their product idea. Each mem-
ber of the "business" had a role
to play such as Project Manager
and Financial manager. Our stu-
dents commented that the best
part of the day was the Pitch
competition. Each group shared
their pitch to 2 judges and about
10 other groups. Local busi-
nesspeople were the judges for
the businesses our students cre-
~Susan Poland