Small Town Times 3-1 | Page 25

Superintendent ’ s Report Continued …
Hot lunch Policies , lunch prices and Collection Procedures At the June board meeting the district will review a new policy in regard to hot lunch charges for the 2017-18 school year , collection of past due accounts , and other required regulations for the school district as outlined in new policy 802.05 . The new charges for the year and the new guidelines will need board approval . Attached are the guidelines that are in place for collection of past due accounts .
South Parking Lot Retaining Wall Rebuilt I have visited with Mr . Joedeman and he is going to take down the current beams holding up the bank on the south side of the parking lot . The structure is breaking apart . We are recommending taking out the trees and putting up a brick retaining wall . He and his summer staff would be able to build the wall . Unless there is an objection to this work , the district will get it completed by fall and this important structure will be in place to help better manage the water flow during intense rains .
Support Staff Salaries 2017-18 ( materials handed out at the meeting ) The board will continue to discuss support staff salaries for 2017-18 and I will have projected personnel costs for that discussion . Executive session is needed for this discussion . Motion : I recommend that the support staff be given a _____ raise as presented at the meeting for the 2017-18 school year beginning September 2017 . ( or as recommended at the meeting )
Planning in the Budget for Capital Improvements ( 29-31 ) Attached is a copy of the long range planning priorities . The board will discuss several of the items and talk about budget planning and directions for Wade as he prepares for any projects that will need to be done in the next several years .
Superintendent ’ s Report July 2017
Dates to Remember Dr . Maline gave me these dates of importance in regards to the 2017-2018 budgeting process . We have completed the worksheets and have made an initial run with the current expenditures and will be updating as needed .
Bus Driver Ad We received no applicants for bus drivers for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year . I have put together an ad to up the pay to $ 50 per bus route and $ 35 per van route . I have included the ad in the packet . We have submitted it in the following places : School website & facebook page .
Gym Repair The gym floor has begun to be worked on . I spent last Wednesday morning with the contractor , Mike Larsen of Anderson Ladd and Jerry , the one who does the actual repairs and flooring , and they believe they can fix the issues and have begun the process . They believe they will be done by August 7 th .
Parking Lot Survey The survey of the parking lot south boundary is in . I walked it with Mr . Klempke and the land in discussion is mostly ours . Need to discuss what we would like to do for solution .
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