Superintendent’s Report May 2017
Personnel-Late Resignation Page (3)
The district has received a late resignation request from Bernice Yilk for the 2017-18 school year. Her
husband has received a contract to teach and coach in Plainview, Nebraska, and she is asking the board to
allow her to resign her contract for next year so she is able to move with her husband. The administration
supports this request and is recommending the release. We have already listed the position on the NDE
website. Please see her attached letter of resignation
Motion: I recommend accepting the resignation of Bernice Yilk for the 2017-18 school year. On behalf
of the board of education and district, I would like to thank her for her service and wish her and her
family the very best in their future move to the Plainview School District.
New Reading Program
The district is in need of a new reading program that compliments the blended reading classrooms we are now
implementing in our PreK-8 th grade classrooms. Our old curriculum is over 8 years old. Our elementary
teachers and Mr. Finley have been meeting with vendors and talking with reading specialists to find the very
best program available. The recommendation is the Reading Street Program that is written by the Pearson
Company. We believe this series which runs Pre-K- 6th grade will enhance and challenge all of our students.
All of the programs are on-line and in a series program that will enable teachers to challenge the most gifted
students while still teaching and helping the struggling students. This program will be very effective in our
grades one and two, three and four, and five and six, class structure. The copy write program is scheduled to
be available for the next seven years which meets the timeline in regard to reading program review. Mr. Finley
and Mr. Drew will share with the board the process used to select our reading recommendation and answer
questions on Monday night. Attached is the quote from the Pearson Company
Motion: I recommend that the district purchase the Reading Street Program as presented for the 2017-
18 school year.
ESU Mission Statement Approval (16-19)
ESU 10 asks districts each year to approve the mission statement and programs. Attached is their mission for
the 2017-18 school year and the tax supported services.
Motion: I recommend that Litchfield Public Schools supports the mission and program of services
offered at ESU 10.
Town and Country Bank Approval
As part of the transition to a new superintendent, the bank needs new signature approvals. A copy of that
approval is attached.
Motion: I recommend that Litchfield Public Schools approve the new list of signatures including Wade
Finley as Superintendent of Schools beginning July 1, 2017.
School Policies
Two new policies are recommended by the NASB for approval. Please see attached policy 802.05 regarding
the free and reduced lunch program and policy 503.09 regarding homeless children.
Motion: I recommended policies 802.05 and 503.09 to be approved for 1 st reading.
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