Small Town Times 2-7 | Seite 6

President Mitch Feldman called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p . m . Members Present : Bill Howard , Marie Sweley , Jim Holm , Mitch Feldman , and Todd Wardyn Visitors : Susan Poland , Sherrie Klein and Husband . President Mitch Feldman announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Law is posted on the wall of the meeting room , and also indicated the instructions for those who wish to speak during the public forum .
The minutes of the last meeting were read . Bill Howard made a motion to approve as read the minutes from the last meeting . Second by Jim Holm . Motion carried 5-0 .
The treasurer reported a balance of $ 736,692.50 in the district treasury . Payroll and claims in the amount of $ 191,796.97 were presented for payment . Todd Wardyn made a motion to pay the claims . Second by Bill Howard . Motion carried 5-0 .
Wade Finley reported on Staff compiling data for each student scores from NeSA , MAPS , ACT to show individual growth , AR Party for elementary , Winter sports off and running , and First Semester ending on Thursday .
Cannon Blauvelt gave the Athletic Director report on fall sports and all district teams and all conference teams .
In the Superintendent ’ s Report , Dr . Maline discussed new superintendent contract approval , new principal discussion and superintendent transition , policy updates , buildings and grounds / transportation update , lunch program information , legislative information , external visitation , staff holiday party , school board election results , and support staff benefits .
Todd Wardyn made a motion to recommend that Wade Finley be approved as the new superintendent for the 2017-2018 school years and be offered the contract as presented for a total salary of $ 97,000 . Second by Marie Sweley . Motion carried 5-0 .
Bill Howard made a motion to recommend the policies 509.03 and 804.01 for 2 nd reading approval . Second by Todd Wardyn . Motion carried 5-0 .
Todd Wardyn made a motion to enter executive session to discuss support staff benefits . Second by Bill Howard . Motion carried 5-0 .
President Mitch Feldman reinstated intent for executive session was to discuss support staff benefits .
Board entered executive session at 8:39 p . m . Jim Holm made a motion to exit executive session . Second by Marie Sweley . Motion carried 5-0 . Board exited executive session at 9:15 p . m .
Jim Holm made a motion to give support staff 5 floating holidays to be used at their choosing for support staff who works a minimum of 15 hours per week starting with 3 for the 2016-2017 year and then 5 for the 2017-2018 year . Second by Marie Sweley . Motion carried 5-0 .
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