SMA News Digest (Spring 2014) | Page 6

FALL 2013 RA RESOLUTION PROGRESS The fall meeting of the SMA Representative Assembly was held Nov. 1-2, 2013 in Saskatoon. These are the resolutions that were carried during the meeting and the status of each. RESOLUTION #1 That the narrative portion of the reports be received for information. • Carried • RESOLUTION # 2 That the Representative Assembly approve the actions of the Board as reported. • Carried RESOLUTION #6 That the SMA works with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan and the Canadian Medical Association in developing guidelines and parameters for clinically appropriate prescription of medical marijuana which will be in patients’ best medical interests and consistent with medical evidence. • This issue was on the agenda of the March 12 Board of Directors meeting. The SMA will be developing online resources to assist physicians in their decisions to prescribe marijuana or opt out of prescribing marijuana. The SMA will also be sending a letter to the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Ministry of Health asking for an educational certificate program to be implemented for those physicians wanting to prescribe marijuana, similar to the certificate program physicians must complete to prescribe methadone. RESOLUTION #3 That the annual dues for an ordinary member for the membership year beginning January 1, 2014 be increased by $85.00 resulting in the following dues structure: CMA SMA Conjoint Ordinary $495 $1970 $2465 Part-time $248 $1180 $1428 Retired/inactive $173 $30 $203 Resident $50 $7 $57 Student $12 $5 $17 $30 $30 Out of province • Implemented RESOLUTION #4 That the 2014 proposed budget (Appendix A of Delegate Package) by approved. • Implemented RESOLUTION #5 That the SMA supports the medical residents of Saskatchewan on the principle that future collective agreements facilitate residents to exceed their academic objectives and achieve physical/psychosocial wellness, while not compromising the quality of services provided to the patients of Saskatchewan. 4 SMA NEWS DIGEST | SPRING 2014 The SMA wrote to the Dean at the College of Medicine asking the College to remain involved with the residents during their negotiations. This letter was copied to the Minister of Education, Minister of Health and the RHAs. RESOLUTION #7 That the SMA Board communicates to members a summary of Board activities. • A summary of Board activities will be available in each edition of the SMA News Digest. A Board report will also be included in the delegate package for each Representative Assembly. RESOLUTION #8 That the SMA urges the Ministry of Health to provide line budget funding to the RHA’s for initiatives that lead to system improvements. • A letter from the SMA requesting this is forthcoming.