SLYOU Magazine issue 4 | Page 8

Go Places. Do More. BOSL EZ Finance. FREE T ake & sha re with a friend ISSUE4 FEB - APRIL 2020 Saint Lucia It’s All About Your Business Welcome to the first issue of the SLYOU Business Magazine for 2020. For many people, this year was supposed to be a major milestone. For starters, the year itself is a perfect pun for visionaries: a time when perspectives need to be adjusted to see the better picture clearly. Also, the year signals the opening of another decade to score a perfect ten on the limitless possibilities that abound. However, 2020 started far from perfect: the present threat posed to humanity by the dreaded Coronavirus pandemic has had a disastrous impact globally. Many economic and social systems have been crippled by the fallout from the contagious disease which sprung up in China late last year. The pandemic has claimed many lives thus far, stocks markets have plummeted, some countries have implemented total shut-downs and panic has set in for many who are now being told to observe proper hygiene and practice social distancing. While these new measures might constrain us from our regular social responsibilities, we urge everyone to follow the advice being offered by the professional authorities. After every storm, we are told, a soothing calmness ensues. Which is why that even during trying times we must hold out hope that things will get better. In fact, as you read through these pages, you will find reasons why seeing the bigger picture matters. After all, 2020 is especially a year when we should see things 20/20. Leslie Collymore PAGE 68| Do’s and Don’ts For Voicing Your Political Opinion on Social Media In this our fourth issue, we highlight a varied mix of topics we know will interest you. However, we single out 1st National Bank on its monumental accomplishments – especially over the past year – and commend the indigenous bank for introducing its MSME Competency Unit that aims to benefit small business. Well done! We also congratulate Lewis Industries Ltd. on its 30th anniversary in business and trust that you would be inspired by the company’s remarkable journey to being a formidable player in the local market. The company has even rebranded, proving that in business one must embrace change to remain relevant. Congrats to them! As the new year continues to unfold, various challenges will present themselves. But we encourage everyone to remain positive even when it seems easier to focus on the negative. Be resolute in achieving your goals. Tap into that indomitable Saint Lucian spirit of koudmain and help each other along the way. Once that can happen, the possibilities for rescuing 2020 become easier. Naturally, SLYOU Business Magazine will continue to bring you the stories that inspire, inform and invigorate. After all, telling your inspiring stories is what we do best. Here’s to 2020! B U S I N E S S M A G A Z I N E Winning local & International awards, 1 st National Bank sets the pace for others to follow. 1 st National Bank unveils their MSME Competency Unit. Managing Director, Johnathan Johannes WIN MASSY GIFT VOUCHER! SEE INSIDE FOR MORE DETAILS! On the cover: 1 st National Bank celebrates their success. Published by SLYOU Marketing P.O. Box 844 General Post Office, Castries Email: [email protected] Tel: 1-758-714-1864 Editor/Chief Content Officer Stan Bishop - 1-758-722-2826 Creative Director/Production Manager - Carlisle Searles Sales & Marketing Manager Cennette Flavien Senior Content Developer Tannel George Advertising email: [email protected] Tel: 1-758-722-2120 Publisher SL-YOU Marketing Contributors: Stan Bishop, Manendra George-Roberts, Carlisle Searles, Trudy O. Glasgow, Hanna Fitz, NURC, Khadijah Ashanna Halliday, Leslie Collymore Photos: Stan Bishop, Shanice Searles, Gisele Bernard, Pexels, Carlisle Searles, Tannel George. Copyright & Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions of SLYOU Marketing or its Editors. Information contained in our published works have been obtained by SLYOU Marketing from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither SLYOU Marketing nor its authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published in print or on Stan Bishop Editor/Chief Content Officer 6 SL-YOU | It’s All About Business All rights reserved 2019. No part of any SLYOU Magazine work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher and authors. | February - April 2020