SLYOU Magazine issue 4 | Page 7

Go Places. Do More. BOSL EZ Finance. Great Vibes This Side of the Beach Story by Stan Bishop Photos by Carlisle Searles I was loo also us king for a n e So my for merch an logo inc and na tional ludes o - Kerw in FEATURING Thirsty cozy litt Parrot Beac h Island le beach ba Bar and Gr ill, a r on th Causew Lucia, e Which is fast ay in Gros Isl Pigeon is becomi the isl to drop why SLYO et, Sa and’s int U Maga ng the no its do with its in recently talk of zine ha ors ne rth. Since an op arly tw rave rev living owner, Kerw d have a ch d o years ening ou at in iew s ha faster ag dreams t his artistic Peter, wh o’s than yo ve been po o, the and cu in an am 64 SL de ur to u linary ing in licious can ch warn yo az -YOU ow do wrap u, howe ing way. W | It’s All cold, go or wn th e ha gu refres ve ere Abou hing Pit lp down th your t Busin for mo once, you’l r, that once ve ess at on Be yo l re… keep th u er. irsting ww 43 1st National Bank 66 Thirsty Parrot 84 Women’s Haven - Organic Female Sanitary Products w.slyo umag , ards ational aw l & intern ce for ing loca ts the pa By winn l Bank se st Nationa 1 follow. others to unveils nal Bank it. 1 st Natio And now, Competency Un ME MS their , g Director Managin an Johannes Johnath 74 The Effects Of Mould On The Mental & Physical Health Of Children | March - April 2020 Page 6 6 emale Organic F Products Sanitary www.s lyo umag .com | March - April 2020 SL-YO U Page 84 PAGE 43 ENVIRONMENT SPOTLIGHT .com Q: Wha about? t is Thirsty Parrot Beach Ba Kerwin restaur Peter: Th mixtur ant that se irsty Parrot e of my is ba lls artistic food, drink si Q: : W and cu s an hy did linary you sta rt the KP: I ha busines my ow d this vis s? ion fo the ide n restauran r many years cooking al spot to t. It took me get it one sp , so I decid going a whi ot wh . I love ere I ca ed to marry n do bo the tw Q: Ho w th . Parrot did you de Beach cid Bar an e on the na d Grill KP: Ac for the me T with th tually, I did busi I can e name. I the logo So my also use fo was lookin before I ca r g for a nationa logo includ merchandis nam es l ing be ou good er. Th pu name irsty Pa r national rpo . rrot so bird a unded SB: W l hy did you ch oose th KP: I pla is locati yed vo Saint on? lle Saint Lucia Volle yball in th e Lucia yb Volleyb hoste all Associa past with tion. W t Pigeo all Tourna d the first he n Islan NO me building d, I no nt some RCECA B years ticed near th decid ago this e for wh ed that it wo beach. Ri old abando a n I would at I wanted uld be th ght then I e perfe to do. be ab ct and to le to at I also urists. reali spot tract bo th the zed th locals BOOK SHELF 80 Ash Writes - How To Not Let Life Drive You Crazy Part III: We Need To Talk 81 Wordplanting: Kendel Hippolyte Keeps Spreading The Word iness erley’s bus g to Add accordin rs, nt. ant odo stateme the , unpleas started in irritation strual cycles. itching, Haven was , and then ular men 2017 Women’s der and and irreg Islands in Bahamas in foun en ing man the k Hav Cay hold brea out to the y growing. Women’s sia Adderley, sanitary nd the ctive is to branched are continuousl Our obje the silence arou ucts owner, Mele organic female Clarke. strual 2018, and ary 2020, the prod of a taboo and the female men on the Stephen her line s; to get of Janu ales ntrie .-Photo: As ect of fem cou ucts subj re the in 12 prod educating g 100% organic health are sold the countries whe locally cycle by women’s d nce of usin ucts. We also full list of can be purchase sure that considered, importa “Where To make organic care prod products FAQ question ld like -being are founder of feminine e healthy eating, and well y, tyle owner and please see ted?”. We wou the Adderle encourag and healthy lifes business Haven, Melesia , you loca branch to all nic are care orga en’s skin of ly e Wom to eventual Islands. ted a rang choices. le . has crea an all-fema Caribbe products issues en is an sanitary erienced en’s Hav reness that is tary elf has exp raise awa dangers Wom organisation mical- She hers brand-named sani ion is to ucing che en owned en of the Our miss on prod using big cate wom sanitary pads focussed ucts to assist wom and edu al il 2020 lth, tradition ally, women ch - Apr free prod ning vaginal hea of toxic m | Mar s in s. Glob ntai ade pon uma mai dec in and tam suffering for www.slyo ding, n have bee , heavy blee pain Business silence with All About OU | It’s 74 SL-Y HEALTH CORNER 82 Your Doctor’s Visit 84 Organic Female Sanitary Products - Women’s Haven 86 Why Sex Is Good For Your Health 88 Papaya Ice Cream 90 Games & Advertisers’ Index DON’T MESS WITH ST. LUCIA LET KEEP OURSELVES FREE FROM CORONAVIRUS | February - April 2020 | It’s All Ab SL-YOU | It’s All About Business 5 out Bu siness 65 other pads and produc hygiene r mys “I conside on y clean pers ve feel and itch ng, ‘S kept sayi why right, like e c To be mor cy al menstru tha research behind norm e ac She cam w it thought ted She star sp s the new r 2017, afte t wife from r some inte l products y Adderle business “We blew now in 11 Adderle She did ensure pad wa “We u the fo organ we us an or