Sleeves Magazine June 2016 | Page 25

What makes you so attached to nature? I had a beautiful childhood spending lots of time in nature surrounded by pets. That is probably how it started. It has always been very inspiring and relaxing to me to be with nature. I am feeling in a way more connected to my "true self". It is not that each and every time I'm in nature I have great and inspiring ideas but it is like a short vacation for me "refilling" my head with opportunities for new ideas. Another very subjective thing is that for me nature (trees, forests, mountains, and vegetation in general) is just beautiful. If you take the time to take a closer look at nature (wild animals and trees are what come in mind to me first) it is just stunning what they look like and how they move and behave. So what makes me so attached is basically the connectedness I feel and the beauty I see in it. Who is your favorite athlete? I can think of Greg Plitt because of his self-discipline, his "beastmode", his body capabilities, and because he motivates many people all around the world. like starting my own business and developing the skills. I am curious about how it will transform into a success. What about style? Why is it important for a man to be stylish? I have no idea what the definition of stylish is. I think y