Slavic Ways October 2015 | Page 13

Славянские пути - Slavic Ways E-mail: [email protected] T: (206) 497-8930 13 begin. on page 12 Voluntarily, establishment will not allow you to come out of your ‘box’, which was made for your ‘convenience’. We need an American as President to restore Rule of Law, American Dream and Freedom of Speech, while breaking corporate oligopolies and monopolies. We don’t need nice, presidential looking or even peace loving President. whereas you ask for a week, 24 hour or 1 hour updates: even MSM’s old news are on top, as the freshest one? This is in addition of profiling viewers, meaning that you are locked into your comfort zone like “earth is flat” or “Bush or Clinton”: all for your ‘convenience.’ People like Romney say that corporations are people and money is speech: can anything could be more destructive to civility than that? But it is ‘OK’ with Establishment, since it serves new God (government), whom, in turn, serves corporatists with globalists. Note how lost prognosticators look, for now, just like a ‘clueless virgin’ whom wondered into a bad neighborhood and can’t understand why those ‘strange’ people use profanity, ‘bad’ to her and popped up her ‘bubble’ without asking first. They think that Trump did it. Wrong. Trump simply announced what ‘silenced by PC’ people felt all alone, so they pay him back with their applauses, loyalty and support. Trump’s ‘phenomenon’ simply exposed how detached MSM is from people’s daily life. Among other things, Donald Trump is experienced showman: so far, every time MSM is showing to Trump its ‘ass’ with a hope to ‘destroy’ him, it crawls away from Trump, ‘pregnant’. It is time for capable American Cowboy to Make America Great Again, whereas it is Donald Trump with his team or whomever else. After collapse of USSR, Russia is picking up while America is declining, but once American values will start rising again, World’s people would second it, in a heart bit. American Dream, Freedom of Speech and Rule of Law will win hearts and minds anywhere again, leaving behind televised illusions, food stamps with air-conditioned bathrooms in public housing. “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” John F. Kennedy Make America Great Again, would you? Twilight Special Photo Illustration by Sean McCabe. , $100 credit for any Queen set over already low $599 and or $200 for Queen sets over $1,000 with this ad Twilight - это фабрика и магазин в Spokane Valley! 45 лет опыта в решении разнообразных требований. Вы сами убедитесь в Мастерстве наших рук. Качество и надежность местных мастеров - это к нам. Buy a Mattress set $500 or more get FREE local Delivery or FREE Metal frame!! Monday - Friday: 9am -5pm, Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. closed T: (888) 736-0888, 509-926-2333 E: [email protected]