Slavic Ways October 2015 | Page 12

Славянские пути - Slavic Ways E-mail: [email protected] T: (206) 497-8930 New Sheriff is coming to DC: do you feel lucky …? Do you? It appears that unlike globalists and corporatists with their so-called Establishment Class, Donald Trump is an American whom does care for American Dream, Rule of Law and Freedom. Only true American can save America. During Bush Republican Presidency, we got 9/11, ‘Patriot’ Act, Wars, Torture and Bailouts. During Obama Democratic Presidency, we got Obamacare, castrated Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform, huge Debt, union of China with stronger Russia, lost respect abroad and so on. It is somewhat scary and crazy that Donald Trump is part of 1%, financially anyway, but I hope that he cares for this country and its citizens. On the other hand, people are painfully familiar with what Establishment Class is all about, whereas Democratic or Republican. Donald Trump could replace old 1% establishment with new 1% establishment, which could be even scarier for our Republic, but what are alternatives? Another Bush or Clinton? There were general election slogans like “anybody, but Republican Bush”, now it is “anybody, but Democrat Obama”, so how about “anybody, but Establishment class”? Do you remember USSR, America? I believe that once America’s culture of Rule of Law, Freedom of Speech and Economic Freedom is defeated, this country will become another fallen empire. America starts to look like former USSR, where double standards were ‘normal’ way of existence: do you remember USSR, America? So, maybe one day, one will ask “Do you remember America”? Marxist like class warfare rhetoric is used by Establishment class to ‘nail down’ middle class into submissive irrelevance. Establishment class is all about stable profits for globalists and control over people, in exchange for illusions with ‘free’ benefits: it is a new secular religion which is eroding America’s greatest asset – its Culture with its social and economic values. Did the American Dream turned into a basket of benefits with food stamps, airconditioned bathroom in public housing and televised illusions? It appears that Donald Trump is a nationalist, not globalist, which should be good for America, since there are no reasons what so ever to believe that Humanity’s values of Separation and Superiority are going away anytime soon. Frankly, it is idiotic to think that humanity is ready to unite into one global nation under globalists – technocrats’ new world order. Even Jesus Christ ‘existence’ is used for Separation and Superiority by humans against humans via religions. Only space alien invasion or global disaster could unite humans, temporary that is. So, how about Trump? President Trump and V.P. Sanders? We don’t need Democratic or Republican President: we need an American President and, if necessary, Trump and or Sanders should create a third party ticket. Imagine President Trump and V.P. Bernie Sanders: 12 wouldn’t that be something else, for a change? But seriously, if establishment will ‘out-rule’ Trump, he should create 3rd party, independent ticket and, I might win. Do you remember Senator of Alaska L i s a A n n M u r k ow s ki ’ s reelection campaign in 2010? She lost Republican Party’s nomination, but won as a write-in candidate. Upon moving into White House, President Trump can easily ask local people to re-elect their establishment reps, meaning that just a threat to be ‘Trumped’ during re-election could make congressmen and senators to go alone with President Trump’s agenda, for a change. Certainly, there is a danger for him to become to powerful, but it would be temporary and OK. America would be better off with single payer system OR go back to what it has had before Obamacare, considering that Obamacare is insurance industry’s way to make more money by charging more while providing less benefits - they are good students of Wall Street ‘produce illusions’ class. When Trump wins, he might be able to destroy Obamacare and move America closer to its original values with Constitution. He might revise the ‘war on terror’ and place banksters where they belong. Media and Internet: rise of new Religion Thanks to ‘in your face’ propaganda by main stream media, it looks that new ‘God’ is American Government, with taxpayers - globalists as loving ‘Angels’, coming to the rescue to needy with free benefits and illusions. The believe is that Government with their Angels are not going to demand anything from you: you just have to be submit to regulations, praising it, while ignoring what they do to you or your family or your Country or the World. “Don’t bite a hand that feeds you”, they say, or “else”. Political insanity further underlined by the “looking Presidential” notion: since when elections become a globalists’ show? Donald Trump owned Miss Universe show and might know a thing or two about ‘looking good’: hard to bit him at this game for people like ‘low energy’ Jeb or ‘smart and slow’ Carson or ‘diversity itself’ Jindal or ‘pretty kid’ Marco, or ‘don’t you dare’ Carly Fiorina. Political correctness (PC) with its so-called antidiscrimination got so idiotic, that one can’t make a joke anymore, can’t speak one’s mind and, consequently, can’t have freedom, including an economic one. May not say words like nigga, black, wetback ... soon will not be able to say words husband or wife, just partners: what is happening in the name of diversity and antidiscrimination? Perhaps, Donald Trump’s so-called profanity is exactly what’s needed to shake up MSM with all those PC ‘lovers’. Internet becomes a new frontier of brainwashing: ask why MSM are ‘always’ on top of Google results, I mean ALWAYS, Cont. on page 13