SLAS Times Q2 2019-2020 SLAS Times: Fall 2019 | Page 48

Academic Stress is Causing Depression by Martina Barona A cademic stress can take control of a student’s life and lead them down a path of depression and self-consciousness. It’s not uncommon to see anxious teenage students with white hair, acne, and dark circles under their eyes from a lack of sleep. While a little stress can be a motivator, Mary Alvord, a public education coordinator for the American Psychological Association, believes, “too much stress can backfire." think bullying may be a culprit for stress, but it’s not a significant part of the academic culture at SLAS. Here in China, where education is a type of competition, stress, and pressure from parents is at increased levels than would be experienced by international students in their home countries. Parents here might compare their child’s grades with other students by using Gradelink, which stresses the parents and pressures the teenager. Some people Some solutions for reducing grade stress from students could be eliminating Gradelink or limiting the amount of time to check Gradelink for both parents and students. This would help reduce stress and pressure for both parties. John Whyte, the Former Chief medical Expert for Health and Medical Education at Discovery Channel, noted that occasional stress keeps your mind focused and improves your cognition, which can help when you are studying for a test. However, based on Jprsolutions’ data, if it is excessive through the course of school, it will damage your health and At SLAS, most secondary students will agree that lead to psychological problems such as anxiety and they always stress about their grades. Many students depression. check Gradelink compulsively because they want to make sure they received the top grade. Based on a If students don’t learn how to manage stress when National Public Radio poll, 24 percent of parents in they are young, long term effects will affect their America said, homework was the leading stressor. emotional intelligence, self-esteem, and academic Additionally, a survey conducted by the American achievements. Students would stop working hard, Psychological Association found that nearly half of they would fail in classes, and see their grades go all teens said school pressures them. down.