SLAS Times Q2 2019-2020 SLAS Times: Fall 2019 | Page 49

The Efficacy of Sex Education by Mikaela Jane Cordero According to the NBC website Children’s Health, many schools do not teach sex education because parents believe schools should not have the right to teach about sex. These parents would rather talk about it at home; rather than allow their kids to learn about it in an environment they feel is not properly controlled. sex by their senior year. This shows how important it is to teach students how to be safe by using con- doms and contraceptives, and how to avoid getting any disease. If parents are going to teach their kids about sex, a lot of them may have wrong facts without having any proper evidence from books. According to the STD statistic on Teen Health web- site shows “Among those teenagers having teen sex, about one in four will contract an STD prior to adult- hood.” Even if parents do not agree with letting the schools teach about sex, schools can give strong evidence and clear explanations of different types of contraception and sexually transmitted diseases. Students are more tempted to try sexual practices without getting caught on the risks they may face, which is why teaching them will not put the teen’s health in danger. The percentage of teen pregnancy and sexually trans- mitted diseases will decrease if many students were taught about the dangers and the awareness they Here at SLAS, students from middle school and high should face when it comes to sex. More than half of school are required to learn about health for one se- an average American high school student have had mester. “T hree in ten American girls will get pregnant at least once before age 20,” according to the organization called Do Something. At SLAS, health teachers can provide a detailed explanation from books on the process of sexual reproduction. Sex education plays a significant role in the rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases among students. As kids grow up, most of them are curious about how things work, and adolescence is the time of trying new things.