Around The World With Mr. Lukas
by Sarah Lee
Sarah: Where was your favorite place? Why? Sarah: What do you like about traveling?
Mr. Lukas: I have many favorite places. For nature, I
liked Norway and Iceland. For culture, I liked Yunnan
province, the central part of Australia, and South Af-
rica. For Beaches, I liked Thailand, the Philippines,
and the Pacific Ocean. Lastly for cities, I liked Shang-
hai and Barcelona. Mr. Lukas: The independence and I like how ev-
ery day is different. You can learn a lot the things
through traveling… Something that you will never
forget in your life. It is much better than learning
from a textbook.
r. Lukas is the high school geography teacher at
SLAS. He loves traveling, evidently, from all of Sarah: What was the best experience you had?
the world photos hanging in his classroom. He has
been everywhere from the North Pole (a place rarely Mr. Lukas: It is quite difficult to pick… I had a lot of
traveled) to Thailand (tourist-central).
experiences, but I will share one with you. It might
not be the best, but it was the most memorable trip.
Sometimes in Mr. Lukas’s class, he uses his photos to I was traveling with my family from Nepal to India
explain more about the topic that the class is focus- during the rainy season and we took a bus, and it
ing on. This helps students better understand con- was the worst you could ever imagine. All the seats
cepts relating to geography.
were damaged, and it was almost impossible to sit.
Some of the seats were even on the floor. The bus
Sarah: Why did you start traveling?
ride was 10 hours at night, so it was a night drive.
The journey was also really bumpy with the rain fall-
Mr. Lukas: Actually it was a friend from high school. ing on us by the holes of the bus’ ceiling. Super dirty
He invited me on a small trip and I liked it, so I even- and old Indian roads. My mom keeps saying it was
tually went to the United States for travel and work. the worst nightmare. Still, it was my most memora-
That was my first big solo trip, and it was awesome. ble one.