New Teacher Focus: Miss Mayela
by Martina Barona
ayela Roman is the new Spanish teacher at
SLAS and she started in November of 2018. She
teaches Spanish to middle school and high school
students. One of her students, Ola Romsicka, said
“She is kind, very thoughtful and her class gives me
an opportunity to learn a new language with an awe-
some teacher.” Another student, Kelly Li, said “Ms.
Mayela is nice and friendly. Her class is also fun and
we can easily participate and learn a lot of things
such as culture and language.” Victor Kan said, “I
love her so much. She’s one of the best teachers I’ve
ever had and will ever have. She’s very kind, lovely,
open-minded, caring, hardworking, and she listens
to you and tries to help you. And honestly, she’s the
Ms. Mayela: I finished University in 2011 and I studied
interpreting and translation from English to French
and Spanish.
Martina: Where did you work at before coming to
Ms. Mayela: I worked in Mexico as a teacher as well.
Martina: What do you like about SLAS?
Ms. Mayela: I love the students. How well behaved,
smart and dedicated they are.
Martina: How do you like your students to be?
Ms. Mayela: Just the way they are. I love them so
The following is an interview with us from January Ms. Mayela is a fantastic teacher who cares about
17, 2019.
and loves her students just the way they are. She has
a beautiful personality and a great teaching style
Martina: Where are you from?
which is why her students like her so much. Thank
Ms. Mayela: I’m from Mexico City
you, Ms. Mayela for the cooperation!
Martina: What do you like about Mexico?
Ms. Mayela: I love food, and also the food. Wait... Did
I already say I love food?
Martina: Why did you start teaching?
Ms. Mayela: I started teaching because I wanted to
help students understand how other languages
Martina: What are the things you like about teach-
Ms. Mayela: It’s so much fun to get to share the
knowledge you have with students.
Martina: How long have you been in Shanghai?
Ms. Mayela: I’ve been here in Shanghai for a year.
Martina: What brought you here?
Ms. Mayela: A teaching job and the hunger for new
Martina: When did you attend university? What did
you major in?