SKIDDY: Have you ever been attacked by
the troll army? SKIDDY: Any shout outs to the APC
APC: No way. Secretly they all have nothing
but respect for the club. The probability of a
muscle clad penny boarder wanting to kick
my ass is almost certain however. APC: Huge thanks to @axelgeschke for
shooting some photos and making me look
cool. Massive love to @sk8serio & @5points
skateshops for holding it down all these
years and thanks to everyone that skates and
still has a sense of humor. It’s pure freedom
what we do, so always have fun and always
support your local Skateshop! Get in on the
joke. And a huge thank you to @skidmarks-
katemag for all your hard work and support.”
SKIDDY: What is your thoughts on these
motorized skating boards?
APC: I hear there are some rural rippers out
there that are actually getting rad on some
form of these contraptions. But unfortunately,
the majority of electric boarders seem to be
pretty dooshy. I picture Santa Barbara police
department cruising the beach on these bad
boys soon. It’s definitely not what I consider