SKIDDY: Spoken like a true scholar, the
90s were a magical time. Where abouts
do you reside?
APC: Just moved to a town called Camarillo.
Been in Southern California my whole with
the exception of a few college years up north
in Chico. Those were good times.
SKIDDY: I picture you as a Van Wilder type
college student. Considering your humor,
I bet you were up to all sorts of she-
nanigans at Chico. Did you ever pull any
doggy filled custard pranks? And how hot
are the chicks there scale from 1-10?
APC: I steered clear away from that frat boy
scene, but there were definitely shenani-
gans going down. College is a weird time.
People are partying hard, experiencing new
things, but also staying super motivated and
focused. If anyone had a hair brained idea it
always seemed to come to fruition. Dudes
would be like “hey, we’re gonna build a huge
private ramp at the airport...”. Then like a
couples weeks later it would happen. One of
my buddies got red bull to build a ramp in the
quad for a day. Another homie got the school
to build a street course and I became a teach-
er’s assistant for a skateboarding class. So
you can only imagine how ridiculous people
would get just to throw a party or event.
The women were beautiful up there and they
outnumbered the fellas 2 to 1. My wife went
there, we’ve been married for 16yrs now. Stay
in school kids!