Skidmark Skatemag #37 | Page 16

Casey, MikeO, and myself managed to coerce our very nice friend Leticia into waking up at the ass crack of dawn to drive us to the airport for a quick flight to LA. A double Bloody Mary and a twenty minute nap later, we were at baggage claim to meet up with ripper Jordan Armenta and our fearless leader Ken who flew all the way from Tennessee. We spent more time at LAX trying to get the rental van than we did the whole morning getting to LA from Santa Cruz. The van that was reserved for us did not exist… at all. They had lost the reservation. Ken stepped up, worked his voodoo magic and his newly acquired southern charm and scored a brand spankin’ new 2016 12 passenger Ford Transit. SFO LAX TOP LEFT TO RIGHT: CASEY MEYER, RICHIE JACKSON, JORDAN ARMENTA, AND GARRETT GINNER